Erin Houchin was born and raised in Indiana’s 9th District, and is a proud lifelong Hoosier.
Growing up in Scottsburg as the daughter of a local dentist, the strong conservative values of personal responsibility and hard work were instilled in Erin at an early age, but she first became politically active as an intern with the Indiana State Senate while a student at Indiana University. There, she met her husband, and realized her passion for public service.

Joe Biden has let over 8 million individuals illegally invade our country. These illegals outnumber the population of Indiana by one million people. Hoosiers are tired of the White House gaslighting and claiming the border is secure, and instead of SECURING the border, the Biden Administration is suing those who seek to protect our national security. Erin has visited the border in Texas twice, and witnessed the chaos and destruction firsthand. She voted to pass H.R.2- the Secure the Border Act, and is calling on Senate Democrats and the White House to stop this invasion once and for all.
Erin stands firmly with Israel, our nation’s strongest ally in the Middle East. Even before Hamas’ barbaric terrorist attack on October 7, 2023, she has vocally supported Israel’s right to defend itself, and the right of Israelis to live. Erin believes that we as a nation have a moral obligation to unequivocally defend Israel. She is committed to standing resolute against anti-Semitism in all forms at home and abroad and advocating for the U.S. to cut all aid to any sponsors of terrorism.
Erin believes our government takes too much of your money, and spends too much. Just as families across Indiana balance their budgets, she believes the federal government should too. It's no question that our growing national debt is a national security concern. Erin is a committed fiscal conservative and has the track record to prove it, and as a champion for Indiana’s Balanced Budget Amendment, she is bringing that same fiscal discipline to Washington.
Erin is pro-life and always has been. She has been a steadfast leader in the fight for the unborn, consistently advocating for the prohibition of late-term abortions, and resources and care for mothers in need. In Congress, she continues to be a voice for the voiceless. National Right to Life and the Susan B. Anthony List have endorsed her, she has earned an A+ rating from the SBA List, and had a consistent 100% pro-life voting record as a member of the Indiana State Senate.
The strong conservative values instilled in Erin growing up in Scottsburg have become a foundational part of who she is. A strong defender of the Second Amendment, the Right to Life, and the right to worship freely, Erin will always fight for our conservative freedoms and liberties. She will continue standing steadfast for an America First Agenda that allows us to live safely and freely.
Parents should be in the driver's seat of their children's education. The pandemic opened American parents' eyes to the reality of our public school system, and millions of parents didn't like what they saw. As a mother of three, Erin knows that parents are the primary stakeholders in their children's education. That's why she voted to pass the Parents Bill of Rights and will continue to support parents in this ongoing effort for transparency and a seat at the table as we prepare the next generation for success.
America is blessed with the greatest fighting force in the world, and Erin deeply appreciates our servicemen and women and their families. She is committed to improving the welfare and quality of life for our veterans and their families, our active-duty military members and their spouses. Erin is committed to ensuring we keep our promises to those who fought to defend our freedoms and never let them down.
Hoosiers are fortunate to have some of the most dedicated and talented law enforcement and public safety officials in the country, and it’s our duty to have their backs. These brave men and women should be protected by lawmakers instead of being met with hostility and resentment. Erin will always fight to ensure our officers have the necessary resources to do their jobs effectively and safely, and they have the support and compensation they deserve. Erin will never allow radical left-wing politicians to defund the police.
Erin knows the best way to create jobs and grow the economy is to get the government out of the way and let small business owners do what they do best – innovate and create new jobs. Indiana has one of the best economies in the nation, a direct result of our conservative values. As a small business owner, Erin continues the fight to cut bureaucratic red tape and support limited government while working to cut taxes, promote free markets, and control government spending.
Erin is a firm believer that the Second Amendment is one of our most important freedoms, and she understands the importance of protecting our constitutional right to bear arms. The founders saw the crucial importance of giving citizens the right to protect themselves, and we must all protect that right.